Create an artist statement that feels authentic to you

Communicate what makes your work special, showcase your skills, speak to your ideal audience...and avoid getting stuck due to feeling like an imposter.

First person or third person?

Professional or confessional?

Prose or paragraphs?

Artspeak or plain language?

Writing an artist statement can be confusing, frustrating and make you feel like a blagger.

It's just a few lines about you and your work, yet it can seem totally intimidating and it can feel like there's a secret formula nobody shares.

Alas, there isn’t a one size fits all that works for everybody. But there are a variety of different approaches you can take to create an artist statement that works for you.

✨ Understand what an artist statement is, and what role it plays in your creative career.

✨ Identify what the core values or messages in your work are, and why it’s important to share them in a concise, clear way.

✨ Define how you can showcase your key skills and experience to ensure your artist statement represents your amazing creative work.

✨ Find clarity around who you are communicating to and what actions or opportunities you want your artist statement to facilitate.

In this creative, engaging and HSP conscious event, I shared all the knowledge I've acquired in the last 15 years of working as an artist.

Through guided activities you'll finish the masterclass with a drafted artists statement you can use on your website, applications or even adapt to introduce yourself in person.

Sign up to the workshop and you will get:

☑️ A replay of the 90 minute workshop with a summary of the main takeaways from the Q&A

☑️ A PDF workbook that you can use again and again as your work evolves.

£40 for lifetime access

Hello sensitive creative!

I’m Eleanor Chaney - an artist and creativity coach with 15 years experience in sharing the creative process with thousands of people.

I’m also a highly sensitive creative who understands the challenges of being a sensitive artist. But with this experience I’ve come to see my sensitivity as one of my biggest strengths.

I’ve been a self-employed artist since 2009 and my own journey has included:

- Working as a full time artist, sharing my own artwork through exhibitions, residencies, funded projects and through selling work online.

- Gaining qualifications in art up to MA level, in counselling skills, and as a teacher and trainer for people aged 16+ in the arts.

- Working as a creative practitioner teaching art and craft subjects for people of all ages including in formal education, community and adult education, for museums, galleries and arts organisations.

I support sensitive creatives to embrace who they are, find the approaches that work with their personality, and learn to trust themselves on their creative path

so they can make what really matters to them.