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Sensitive Creatives Meetup OCT 23

Finding Support As A Sensitive Creative - How can you create a system of support that enables you to thrive as a sensitive creative?

Watch a clip from this event below:

Being a creative is often represented in popular culture as a lone pursuit, working away alone in a room until the early hours of the morning. But even if you prefer to connect with your art form alone, the truth is we all need support along our creative journey.

As a sensitive creative your support needs might be different from the ‘help’ you’ve been offered in the past from educational environments or even those around you. This last Sensitive Creatives Meetup of the year is all about identifying what support you need as the wonderful individual you are, and looking at how you can create a system of support that will enable you to thrive.

In this meetup we explored:

✨ What our old stories are around finding help and support as a creative, and how we can rewrite these.

✨ What different forms of support are out there for you as a creative, and which of these will be most in alignment with you needs as a sensitive person.

✨ How you can identify the kinds of support you might need to help you create and share your art.

Let’s find the support we need to thrive as the sensitive creatives we are!

Would you like to watch the workshop? You can get immediate access today!

Sensitive Creatives Meetup SEPTEMBER 23

Holding Boundaries As A Sensitive Creative - How do we identify what our boundaries are and communicate them with others?

This Sensitive Creatives Meetup was dedicated not only to supporting you in better understanding your own boundaries in your creative relationship, but in enabling you to work out how you can hold these boundaries with less confusion and stress so you can use that energy on the things that really matter to you.

In this meet up we explored:

✨ Understanding what we mean when we talk about boundaries, and a brief introduction into the theory behind the term.

✨ Looking at some of the common areas in which sensitive creative people struggle to set and hold boundaries.

✨ Opening up why it’s important for us to hold and communicate our own boundaries, and how this can improve our relationship with our creativity.

✨ Gentle activities to support you in identifying and communicating your own boundaries with family, friends, colleagues and clients.

✨ The opportunity to find support in your own personal experiences of boundaries in our Q&A at the end of the session.

Let’s explore how we can identify and hold the boundaries that we need, and what opportunities this could open up for our creativity.

Would you like to watch the workshop? You can get immediate access today!

Sensitive Creatives Meetup JULY 23

Multi-passionate creativity - How do we do all the different things we love?

Watch a clip from this event below:

Are you a creative wonderbeing with many passions and interests? Then this Sensitive Creatives Meetup is for you!

We’ve been told for decades that our goal as a creative should be to specialise in one medium. To do our 10,000 hours and become a master of our craft so we can stand out above ‘the rest’.

But as our understanding of the depth and breath of creativity expands, many of us are realising we aren’t actually meant to do one thing.

So how can you make space for the many creative interests that light you up inside? How do you identify what you want to make money from and what you want to do for joy? What opportunities are out there in the world for lifelong learners, multipotentialites and multi-passionate creatives?

In this free session we’ll be exploring:

✨ How the concept of being a specialist is relatively new and why it’s held such power over our creative cultures.

✨ The different schools of thought that already exist around being a person with many different interests, and which you feel resonates most for you personally.

✨ Some common challenges that appear for multi-passionate creatives, especially those of us who are sensitive.

✨ How you can identify and discover opportunities and ways of working that will work for you as the talented being you are!

Access the replay now! This month, let’s explore how we can let all parts of our creative self thrive and grow!

Would you like to watch the workshop? You can get immediate access today!

Sensitive Creatives Meetup JUNE 23

Super Sensitive Success - How do we define success on our own terms?

Watch a clip from this event below:

We encounter the word ‘success’ daily, but usually through the lens of someone else’s idea of what it means to be successful. Most of the sensitive creatives I have worked with aren’t looking to be be ‘wildly successful’, millionaires or have a following of hundreds of thousands of people. They want to have the time, energy and financial capacity to do the things they love and find joy in their day-to-day life.

However, many find themselves trapped in a neverending state of ‘getting by’, despite the many voices online telling us ‘success’ is easily within our reach.

I wholeheartedly believe that super sensitive people can be highly successful, but this has to begin with defining success on our own terms.

In this free session we explored:

✨ What we have been taught to see success as, and how this is continually changing for creative people in the age of social media.

✨Why identifying what success means for you as an individual begins with understanding your own needs.

✨Why our idea of success might differ from those around us as highly sensitive creatives, and how we can stay focused on our own intentions instead of being distracted by other people’s goals.

✨ Gentle activities you can engage in to reflect and recalibrate what success means to you.

Access the replay today! This month, let’s reject success as sold to us by others, and define what it means to be successful as the super sensitive beings we are!

Would you like to watch the workshop? You can get immediate access today!

Sensitive Creatives Meetup MAY 23

The Art Of Letting Things Go: How do we let go of what no longer works and move forwards with our creative journey?

Watch a clip from this event below:

Find support as sensitive creative with people who get it.

Watch the replay of this monthly gathering of likeminded thoughtful, sensitive souls.

In May the topic was:

The Art Of Letting Things Go: How do we let go of what no longer works and move forwards with our creative journey?

In this free session we:

  • Looked at the common reasons creatives struggle to move on or let go of projects that are no longer serving them.

  • Explored the notion of ‘sunk-cost fallacy’ and how this might be showing up in your work.

  • I shared some examples of aspects of my creative career that I struggled to bring to an end, and the positives that came from finally letting go

Sign up for the replay to open up how you can let go of the things that no longer serve you, and make time and space for the creative acts you care about!

Would you like to watch the workshop? You can get immediate access today!

Sensitive Creatives Meetup APRIL 23

HSP friendly systems: How do we organise our time (and ourselves) in ways that work for us?

Watch a clip from this event below:

Find support as an HSP creative with people who get it.

Watch the replay of this monthly gathering of likeminded thoughtful, sensitive souls.

In April the topic was:

HSP friendly systems: How do we organise our time (and ourselves) in ways that work for us?

HSP creatives are often very intuitive and love to respond in the moment, but as people who tend to want to think about things carefully before we act, we can get a bit stuck between these two ways of being!

For those of us who are 'high sensation seeking’ HSPs or neurodivergent in other ways strict structures can make us feel demotivated and trapped. But having no structure can send us down the energy rabbit hole, leaving us drained without having got what we really wanted to do…actually done.

Sign up for the replay to explore different approaches that can help us keep working towards our intentions.

Would you like to watch the workshop? You can get immediate access today!

Sensitive Creatives Meetup MARCH 23

Motivation: How can understanding ourselves as HSP creatives help us to work towards our goals, and to accomplish them?

Watch a clip from this event below:

As an HSP we can often feel a strong motivation to be creative. But we can also encounter challenges or resistance as we try to motivate ourselves to complete projects or take next steps.

The word ‘motivation’ gets used a lot when talking about creative work - but what does that word actually mean? Does it have only positive connotations as we are led to believe, or are there underlying triggers for us as highly sensitive people within it?

How can you positively motivate yourself in your creative work, and what would work best for you as the unique individual you are?

In this session we explored:

  • Different forms of motivation - are you more internally or externally motivated and how does this show up in your creative work?

  • What feeling ‘motivated’ looks like for you, and does this connect to old learned behaviours that might not be genuinely encouraging?

  • How we can open up the idea of ‘goal setting’ to create a more flexible, motivating approach rather than something intimidating or unachievable.

Sign up to the free replay to explore what will work for you!

Would you like to watch the workshop? You can get immediate access today!

Permission: How do we give ourselves the permission to do something we love as our job?

Sensitive Creatives Meetup Feb 23

Watch a clip from this event below:

Becoming a creative takes real courage. In a culture where we are given mixed messages about the creative path, we can develop a confusing collection of stories that conflict with one another. We are told following our creative dreams is going to be painful, difficult and potentially financially impossible, but yet it is also suggested - sometimes in the same breath - that we are self-indulgent or avoiding being responsible for persuing them.

You might be finding that this impacts your self-belief, having a negative impact on your ability to take action and make your work happen. You are not alone! We all long for permission and validation that we are doing the right thing.

But ultimately, the only person who can give you permission to create what we dream of is of course…you.

How can you do that? That’s what we looked at in this Sensitive Creatives Meetup.

In this session we explored:

  • Some of the different places we might encounter gatekeepers who we see as being the givers (or withholders) of permission.

  • The stories or messages we are carrying, and how we can rewrite them.

  • Practices that we could engage in to feel less limited by these.

  • How to identify actionable steps you can take to see the opportunities open to you, and how you can give yourself permission to take them!

Would you like to watch the workshop? You can get immediate access today!

Hello lovely creative! Are you interested in attending these events live? Sign up to my newsletter below and I’ll invite you to my future free events.